While decentralised finance was on everyone’s lips, another phenomenon is rising from its ashes and stealing the spotlight from it. After making headlines a few years ago with the development of its flagship project CryptoKitties. Dapper Labs is back with a brand new blockchain that promises to revolutionise the NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) sector.
This is a promotional article written in collaboration with Dapper Labs.
The contours of a large-scale project
If you believe in the essence of the NFT, then there is little hesitation. It is surely the future king of the sector that is launching itself before your very eyes. According to Coinlist, the sale of tokens is already breaking all records:
“More than 7,500 people participated in the Flow community sale, and all in less than a week. It’s on its way to becoming the biggest token sale in Coinlist’s history.”
Unlike Bitcoin Champion and its 21 million units. NFTs are unique and indivisible tokens. They can take the form of collectors’ items, digital artwork, tickets for a specific event, but also equipment to enhance the aesthetics or performance of a video game character.
In order to meet the need for scalability, Dapper Labs decided to move up a gear and introduce the Flow blockchain. Indeed, after having experimented with Ethereum’s limitations for several years thanks to its Blockbuster Cryptokitties. A reinforced team of 23 researchers and engineers took turns with a simple objective: mass adoption.
If the future of video games were to rhyme with NFT, blockchain congestion would be the number one problem. Even if version 2.0 of Ethereum and the future use of sharding is in the pipes, the Flow team considers it too complex and advocates a multi-node blockchain architecture.
An already impressive list of partners
Beyond the technical aspect, the list of partnerships remains impressive. Already 4 NBA players are supporting the project, and promise the good days of the future “NBA top shots” game. A concept around the MMA will also be born, thanks to a partnership signed with the UFC. Apart from the sportsman, an official collaboration has been announced with Warner Group Music, Animoca Brands and Dr Seuss.
On the crypto investor side, it was none other than the giants Coinbase, Andreessen Horowitz, Distributed Global and Samsung NEXT who invested in Flow in a first financing phase.
The last missing link in this ambitious project? A community worthy of the name. And that is why it will be possible for all future supporters of the concept to participate in the development of this new blockchain by investing via a community sale open until tomorrow.